Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hello, Hello!

Hello, Dearest Blogosphere!
Me at the Grand Canyon on my Gene Autrey postage stamp tee.  Obvi.
I'm Sam. I like lipstick, dogs, J. Crew, sale shopping and pink.
I've decided to indulge myself by creating this here website all about my style, things I think are cool and whatever I feel like. Recently, I've spent hours upon hours binge reading fashion and lifestyle blogs. Seriously, I've read every single A Piece of Toast, The Neo-Traditionalist, The Daybook and Cheetah is the New Black post. No joke, friends, every single one. I'm starting up my own so I don't feel like such a couch potato and so I can justify my compulsive blog reading as "research."
Be warned now, though, I'm a huge nerd and can't be kept from posting occasionally about science, tech or some otherwise style-unrelated item of interest.

I hope you enjoy it!